Greetings traveler, my name is Boran Coalbeard!

What’s that... you say you're a beer lover? Well then, you come to the right place! Not to boast, but I happen to be one of the most renowned beer connoisseurs in Kirfaël. My skills as a sommelier of brewed beverages border on genius, and my writing is nothing less than… oh, yeah… beer… let me tell you about beer…

If this is your first time here, don't leave without visiting the Burdisson Brewery… but WAIT! Don't go yet! I don't have a copy on me right now, so while you're there, ask to take a look at my recent write up on their legendary "Burdisson's Dwarven Ale," incredible stuff! The beer… not just my write up. Anyway, make sure to hit the shop when you're done.

Oh and one more thing… lemme see that map of yours. Google? hmm, never heard of that cartographer… anyway, these are all the places I've come across where you can find Burdisson's… Make sure to check them out through your travels.

The Burdisson's are just the beginning of beer in Kirfaël. I've travelled this land far and wide and I can tell you a thing or two about beer hunting. Stick with me beardling and I'll lead you to beers you've never dreamed of!

Anyway, off you go to the Burdisson's Great Hall... you can't miss it, just look for the ginormous dwarven waterwheel up in the mountains in the East. Stop back here if you forget your way.

Here's a more few places I can usually be found if you need anything. Cheers!

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